About Me

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I am looking to excel in the ownership of retail businesses and real estate investments. Forever striving to become financially independent.I describe myself as a very straight forward person who like to take things in stride, when possible. Life is very exciting and has lots of opportunites and experiences to offer and I feel that I should always make the right use of it. I believe that I should always strive towards individual betterment in whichever form it may be.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

8 Ways Bloggers Make Money

The most important thing to remember is that it takes time and sustained effort to make money blogging. There are no fast, easy secrets to earning a living as a blogger!
Like any small business, you have to work hard on your blogs. Successful bloggers are entrepreneurs who know that “get rich quick” schemes will fail every time.

Most bloggers experiment until they find what works for them

Don’t just blindly copy the “Quips and Tips” blog style, the “Problogger” style, or Steve Pavlina’s blog style. It’s not only irritating to the original blogger, it doesn’t work! Successful bloggers – like all successful entrepreneurs – have two jobs: 1) To learn as much as they can about earning an online income; 2) To try different things until they find what works for their blog.
For instance, I find the most common ways bloggers earn money extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. I tried them all: blog carnivals, posting comments on forums, commenting on other blogs, participating in link exchanges, and writing guest posts. But, these activities work for some bloggers — and all bloggers have to learn what works for them.

All bloggers remember the concept of “compound interest”

Resources for Writers

75 Ways to Make Money Blogging
How I earn $3,500/month from my Quips and Tips blogs.

How Write an eBook in 7 Days
Write, publish, and sell your writing.

How to Fire Up (or Just Fire!) the Muse
Practical tips on staying motivated from freelancers, journalists, and novelists.

Plant seeds now; they’ll yield acorns and trees later! Some of my most popular blog posts – and highest sources of income – are articles I wrote a couple years ago. Making money blogging is a labor of love for the first two or three years. It helps if you have another source of income or a wealthy spouse to pick up the financial slack. I worked part-time as a freelance writer while creating my “Quips and Tips” blog series, and took the full-time plunge about a year ago. Like any small business or seedling, a blog needs time and energy.
Nurture your blog from the ground up, and you’ll make money blogging.

Most bloggers entertain, educate, or somehow edify their readers

Find a topic or niche that interests you, learn about it, and share what you learn in a unique, creative way. Solve problems, using your writer’s voice! Build your own blog with a theme and content you can’t wait to wake up to every morning! And keep reminding yourself that earning an income online – like anything worthwhile – is a long-term process.

All bloggers incorporate ads or products that fill readers’ needs

On Quips and Tips for Couples Coping With Infertility, I advertise all manner ‘o things about getting pregnant and coping with fertility issues. Most bloggers make money by closely aligning their advertisements with their blog content, because readers are more likely to clicky-clicky on ads that solve their problems and meet their needs.

Many bloggers pay attention to readers’ search terms

My readers often find Quips and Tips for Successful Writers by searching for “freelance writing tips”, “feature article ideas”, “make money blogging tips”, and “magazine writing tips.” Knowing how people find my blog helps me choose the ads that both meet their needs and increase my online income. I also feature books, books, and more books because I love books! Plus, I like being an Amazon affiliate.
For Amazon-specific advertising tips, read 5 Tips for Advertising Amazon Products.

Most bloggers earn money by exploring affiliate advertising networks

The best way to earn an income online is to experiment with different affiliate advertising networks. I’ve tried Commission Junction, LinkShare, AdBrite, Chikita, Google Affiliate Network, Kontera, ClickBank, and more — I list them all in 75 Ways to Make Money Blogging. Don’t just copy what works for other bloggers! Take time to figure out what the best ads are for your blog.

Many bloggers occasionally change ad placement on their blogs

The Google Adsense gurus say the most profitable ads are within the blog post and “above the fold.” Does that work for your blog? Try it and see! I don’t advertise above the fold because I think it’s too much — it’s bad enough that I have ads smack in the middle of my posts. To earn an income online, find a balance between making your ads obvious but not too distracting or annoying. Experiment with ad placement — try ads at the end of your blog posts, along the sides, and in the footer.

Many bloggers make money by play with types and sizes of ads

There are so many ads to choose from! Banner ads, product images, text ads, in-text link ads, pixel/favicon ads, contextual links, eBook ads, exit ads, lions and tigers and bears, oh my. Incorporate the ad types and sizes that you dislike the least, let them run for a couple of months, and see if you make money. Remember that you may need over 1,000 page views a day before you make $100 or even $50 a day with your blog, depending on your niche and products.
If you want to make money blogging but have trouble coming up with ideas, read Mommy Bloggers – 10 Ways to Find Topics to Write About. It’s not just for mommy blogs — Prerna’s ideas work for all types of bloggers.
But, bloggers can’t make money without traffic! If you need to attract more readers, read How to Increase Blog Traffic.
I welcome your thoughts on how bloggers make money below…

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Do you have trouble showing love and affection?

The question of the day is "Do you have trouble showing love and affection?" Who has the most problems with this and why? Men or women?  I have encountered this with both sexes.

There are men that do not want to comment simply because they are afraid of showing love and affection.  That is being too committed for them. And, I have seen women that are married and afraid to show feelings,but in the marriage for the safety and being kept by a man.  Is it fair in either one of these situations?  I don't think so.  They need to find a way to work out the issues that they have.  Find out what is behind it and learn to give of themselves and enjoy life!  Love is beautiful and makes everyone feel good. What do you think or what experiences have you had that other post readers can help you with.  All advice is welcome....Have a great day....

Friday, March 23, 2012

Florida Law Gives Citizens A License To Kill

By now everyone is familiar with the Travon Martin case. It has been an unspeakable case of cold blooded murder. Unfortunately, George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Martin, may get off because a Florida law that gives him protection.
The law in question has come to be known as the “Stand Your Ground Law.” The law states:
A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”
What this means is that anyone who shoots or kills another person can claim it was self defense and essentially get away with murder.

This ridiculous law was passed in 2005 with much support from the National Rifle Association and the Republican Party, and since then the number of “self defense” homicides in the state of Florida have tripled.

Despite a preponderance of the evidence, George Zimmerman has not been arrested for the murder of Travon Martin simply because he claimed he shot martin in self defense. He has not even been charged with a crime.

Any objective view of the evidence; the 911 calls, eye witness reports and the testimony of Martin’s girlfriend will reveal that this was certainly not a case of self defense. No one in their right mind could believe that a 28 year old man with a gun could be in fear for his life from a 17 year old teenager with a pack of Skittles and a can of ice tea. But George Zimmerman could get away with murder because of this law.

This law gives Florida citizens a license to kill. All they have to do is claim that they killed in self defense. Who is going to contradict them? Their victims are dead.
It is frightening to think that anyone can be murdered by a person who holds racist views and there can be no legal recourse. Anyone listening to the 911 call from George Zimmerman can clearly hear his racial profile of Travon Martin.

Think about this; after George Zimmerman murdered Travon Martin, he stood there and waited for the police to show up. When they did, all Zimmerman had to do was tell the police that martin attacked him and that he shot Travon in “self defense.” And the police let him go.

While Travon Martin’s family was mourning their loss, George Zimmerman was sleeping soundly in his bed thanks to this Florida law. Despite all the attention and national outrage, Zimmerman has not been arrested for the murder of Travon Martin. He is hiding behind the Stand Your Ground law. It’s all legal.

Until this law is repealed, we can expect even more minorities to be killed without their murders being brought to justice.  - The world Weekly

I don't see the force with force when Zimmerman was clearly an adult that out weighed Trevon and he had a gun!